The podcast settings page is where you can configure settings for each of your podcasts. Most of these settings will effect how your podcast will appear in various directories such is Apple Podcasts, Spotify and so on. If you have multiple podcasts, you will need to configure these settings uniquely for each podcast.
Start by navigating to your podcast settings page:
- Login into Audiopod
- Select the Podcast you’ll be working with
- Find the Settings menu item
The name field will appear on your public podcast page and RSS Feed. We build your podcast url as well based on your name.
The description is a great way to introduce your audience to your podcast and to keep them updated in little ways about what is happening.
This field is required to identify your podcast’s creator.
You can use this space to indicate any copyright information associated with your podcast or episodes.
Owner and Owner Email
These are optional fields that can be used for more specificity beyond the author field.
Cover and Banner
Cover and Banner images are used in different podcast players and on your public Audiopod page. The Cover is the equivalent of your logo. It’s to be in a square format and appears in the iTunes directory along with various other places on Audiopod.
The Banner is a nice graphic background that is displayed on your public podcast page.
Subscribe Links
Once you’ve created your podcast and submitted it to different podcast directories like iTunes and Spotify, you can add links to the different directories here. This allows your listeners to easily subscribe with their favorite app.