Preacher: Ellen Koehler | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA We get asked that question a lot at Epiclesis: "Just what is 'Ancient-Future'?" Dr. Ellen Koehler was on hand for this edition…
Preacher: Ellen Koehler | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA Dr. Ellen Koehler was back in the studios to talk about what worship is like at Epiclesis. People often ask-- hear…
Preacher: Ellen Koehler | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA Dr. Ellen Koehler is the liturgist for Epiclesis: An Ancient-Future Faith Community. In this episode, she talked about how liturgy is…
Preacher: Ellen Koehler | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA A lot of Ancient-Future Faith has to do with listening to, and learning from, the past. Join guest Dr. Ellen Koehler…
Preacher: Ellen Koehler | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA Special guest Dr. Ellen Koehler was in the Ancient-Future Faith studio for this inaugural edition of the radio broadcast.
Preacher: Ellen Koehler | Series: The Chapter House Folks often ask us, "What's worship like at Epiclesis?" or, sometimes, "How do you go about putting worship together?" Ellen Koehler, pianist,…
Preacher: Ellen Koehler | Series: Sunday Teaching Guest teacher, Epiclesis elder Ellen Koehler, took us through a couple of passages in Thessalonians to talk about God's story-- the pervasive, singular…