It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Advent
November 15, 2017

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Advent

Preacher: Ellen Koehler, Rick Asche | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA

Drs. Rick Asche and Ellen Koehler were in the Ancient-Future Faith Radio studio to talk about Advent and how it deepens our spirituality and enhances our walk with Christ. The world is ready for Christmas the day after Halloween, but how might we grow if we learn to wait? Join us!

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Advent
November 15, 2017

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Advent

Preacher: Ellen Koehler, Rick Asche | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA

Drs. Rick Asche and Ellen Koehler were in the Ancient-Future Faith Radio studio to talk about Advent and how it deepens our spirituality and enhances our walk with Christ. The world is ready for Christmas the day after Halloween, but how might we grow if we learn to wait? Join us!