Born from Above on Trinity Sunday
May 26, 2024

Born from Above on Trinity Sunday

Passage: John 3:1-21
Service Type:

The familiar story of Jesus’ nighttime conversation with the Pharisaic leader, Nicodemus, centers on the “birth from above,” a birth that allows us both to see and enter the Kingdom of God. Audible whispers of the One True God as Triune echo throughout the conversational exchange. Although the Church’s teaching on the Trinity is so deeply rooted in the Scriptures and the deepest theological reflections of the Church, and although trinitarian teaching is one of the most foundational and distinctive teachings of the Christian faith, it is a doctrine that, while surely acknowledged by orthodox believers, is avoided and neglected.

The doctrine of the Trinity is thought to be merely abstract and philosophical, largely detached from day-to-day living. But trinitarian thought is at the center of God’s Being, as the God who “loves [us] and gave himself for [us]“ (Gal 2:20). God is love [agape]” (1 John 4:7), and agape love requires an “Other” to whom and for whom One offers Oneself in self-giving, humble, Other-centered service. This God of eternal, loving, communion is the One who gives us new birth, into the kingdom of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and into a new family of brothers and sisters in Messiah Jesus.


The image associated with this podcast is “Jesus and Nicodemus (a study)” by Henry Ossawa Tanner.