Evening Psalm
April 14, 2024

Evening Psalm

Passage: Psalm 4
Service Type:

What are we Christians supposed to do in a world full of cynicism that seems to be falling apart? And what about the unfair successes of the ungodly all around us? The psalmist has some very simple, practical, and even profound advice for the godly in times like these.

Join Pastor Chris and learn about an addition or two to your evening prayer and devotional time.

A couple of notes: The hymn text that Pastor Chris read at the end of his concluding prayer is the ages old “Phos Hilaron” (“O Gladsome Light”), an ancient evening song of praise, perhaps a lamp lighting hymn, that in its original Greek dates back even to the second century.

The artwork associated with this podcast is a woodblock print (one in a series for each of the psalms) by American artist Kreg Yingst. The work is called “Psalm 4.”