Oil and Water and Unity
Oil and water don’t mix. So how can they be symbols of unity? Join Pastor Chris for a look at Psalm 133 in a continuing series. And along the way we managed to talk about C.S. Lewis and the second book in his remarkable “Space Trilogy” titled Perelandra. One day there will be a new heavens and a new earth. Until then, we believers must be oil and water and engage in the only act truly capable of bringing about unity.
If you’d like a written transcript of the sermon, please click here.
Aaron, anointing, beard, C.S. Lewis, devil, dew, Enoch, God, Golan Heights, Jerusalem, Mt. Hermon, new heavens and earth, oil, Perelandra, pilgrimage, priest, Psalm 133, Psalm of Ascent, Ransom, The Watchers, unity, water, Weston