Who Gets to Narrate the Universe, Part 2
September 17, 2023

Who Gets to Narrate the Universe, Part 2

Passage: Psalm 133, Psalm 91, Psalm 8, Eph 2:4b-6; 10, John 14:16-20
Service Type:

Pastor Chris continues his look at the latest news alleging the possibility of spacecraft and extraterrestrial visitors visiting the Earth. Most especially, the focus is on the very big questions being asked by government whistleblowers and scientists and the media.

In this second sermon of the series, we talked about what science can– and cannot– answer and took time to ponder what seems to be the most prominent of the questions people are asking in light of supposed extraterrestrials: Are we alone in the universe, and what’s our place in it?

Pastor Chris also revealed what he said should be completely outside of the concern and of no import to Christians whatsoever. Join us!

Find a transcription of the sermon here.