Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford If Jesus is the Hen, then just who is the fox? On this second Sunday of Lent, we continued our look at the notion of crying…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford This first Sunday of Lent saw Pastor Chris sketching out some of the themes we're thinking about this year: crying out to the Lord, pouring out…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford We sometimes give Peter a hard time over his response to the remarkable events on the Mountain of Transfiguration, but just what is the right response?…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford What a difference a couple of Bible verses make. Jesus had been teaching in the synagogue of His hometown where, Scripture tells us, "everyone" marvelled and…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford Luke, who was a physician, was something of a prophet, too. At least you could make the case that the way he wrote his gospel account,…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford In the previous week's reading, we had heard John the Baptist's promise that One was coming who would baptize with fire and with the Holy Spirit.…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford After looking at Luke's account of Jesus' baptism, and noting that Jesus was to be found in a large crowd of humanity there at the Jordan, we spent time…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford The Books of First and Second Samuel are mostly about the life and times of Saul and David. So why does the biblical writer spend so…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching This last Sunday of Advent found us reading a famiiar passage from the little Old Testmament Book of Micah. That passage points…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford Could you use some joy? This third Sunday of Advent, the "Sunday of Joy", had us looking at a passage in Zephaniah. Only three chapters long,…