Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford A passage from Malachi on this second Sunday of Advent had us talking about a refiner's fire and fuller's soap. You're probably familiar with the process…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford Our journey through the Book of Hebrews on the way toward Christ the King Sunday has revealed several titles for our Ultimate High Priest, Jesus Christ.…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford The disciples were rightly amazed at the size and grandeur of Herod's Temple, and Jesus must have surprised and alarmed them when He revealed what would…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford Have you ever thought much about the similarities between the Garden of Eden and the Temple in Jerusalem? There are several-- and what's more, there are some…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford We turned our attention back to the Book of Hebrews for a hands-on teaching session drawing distinctions between the Old Covenant, the Levitial system of sacrifices,…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford Our tour through the Book of Hebrews, leading up to Christ the King Sunday, focused this particular time on that mysterious Old Testament character Melchizedek. We…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford In the final weeks of the Season after Pentecost, and as we're on the way to "Christ the King" Sunday, Pastor Chris is taking readings from…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford Dr. Connie Bull, children's worship and ministry specialist, was the guest for this teaching at Epiclesis. In town for a workshop focusing on how kids can be…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford We're back to the Book of James and a passage where the author talks about two paths: one that leads to heavenly wisdom, and one that…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford When you read James' description of taming the tongue, do you ever get a mental picture of an animal trainer, or maybe a rodeo cowboy wrestling…