Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford Celtic Christian spirituality talks about "thin places", those places and times where the "distance between time and eternity thins to gossamer", as Douglas Horton has said…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford Guest teacher and elder Steve Pinson lead the discussion on this particular Sunday-- and the topic was perfect for the day: Who has the authority to…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford During this season of Epiphany, we're taking a close look at Jesus' authority-- and on this particular Sunday, especially His authority to bring about repentance. In his…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford This second Sunday of the Epiphany found us looking at two passages of Scripture, and both of them are places where God calls: The calling of…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford On this first Sunday of a brand new calendar year, our community of faith continued a little tradition of newing the covenant. A New Year's covenant…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford When you think of love, what image comes to mind? On this particular Sunday, Pastor Chris thought of a highway-- or perhaps a bridge. And add…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford On this first Sunday of Advent, the Epiclesis community continued its tradition of drawing and designing a Chrismon ornament during the teaching time. Each Sunday, we…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford In the closing installment on Paul's letter to the Thessalonian church, we looked at more of the apostle's word about what happens in the end-- and…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Paul writes to the church at Thessalonica, who evidently had concerns about why some in their number were dying, about Christ's return.…
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford Our trek through First Thessalonians continues with this look in the second chatper-- and once again, we're finding all kinds of scriptural evidence of the summation…