Faithfulness, Ruth, and Saying “Yes” to God
The biblical story of Ruth is a multi-faceted one, filled with deep meaning at every turn. We may know her best as being in the lineage of Jesus. But at the heart of her story are revelations of God’s covenant faithfulness, both to and through Ruth and the characters who surround her.
Join Pastor Ellen as she reflects on the challenges and opportunities for Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz as they chose to say “Yes” to God. What lessons and encouragement do they offer us as we seek to live out our lives, “on display” of God’s love and manifold wisdom? And what might all this have to do with God’s Big Story?
The painting associated with this sermon is “Ruth Gleaning” by James Tissot, c. 1896.
Boaz, covenant love, faithfulness, hesed, kinsman redeemer, manifold wisdom of God, Moab, Naomi, on display, Ruth, story of God