Get Low… Look Up!
March 7, 2011

Get Low… Look Up!

Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford

The teaching for this final Sunday of Epiphany, Transfiguration Sunday, focused on that marvelous scene where Jesus took three of the disciples up on the mountain where He appeared in all His glory– a scene of both indescribable transcendence, and also one of profound immanence: Jesus is revealed as fully human and fully divine. And then that tender moment when, after the Father’s approving voice is heard, the disciples, who have gotten low– face down in fear and awe– look up at Jesus’ urging to see Him standing there alone. Epiphany began with the Father’s endorsement, His anointing, of the Son at the baptism. And now, on the mount of transfiguration, Epiphany ends similarly, with the glorification of the Son, who now turns His face toward another, ultimate testing.

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