Hearing from God on a Flight to Egypt
December 31, 2023

Hearing from God on a Flight to Egypt

Passage: Matthew 2:13-23
Service Type:

God can use odd times and even pagan places of danger and difficulty to protect, provide for, and renew His people? Just ask Joseph. Actually, there are two Josephs you could ask about that.

In this final sermon of Christmastide, Pastor Chris examined why Joseph and Mary fled with the infant Jesus to Egypt. Drawing comparisons to the story of the Old Testament Joseph, he explored how Egypt protected Jesus from Herod’s relentless violence and provided sustenance and refuge for Joseph and his little family of three.

The sermon challenged listeners to consider what their own personal “Egypt” may be– difficult times or places that feel hostile but where God safeguards and equips believers. Joseph’s example of faithfulness, courage, and openness to God’s voice was remarkable. Pastor Chris concluded by asking folks to gauge their own willingness to obey, whether to leave a place of comfort (or at least familiarity), return to past hardship, or to remain steadfast where they’re planted.