In Semet Ipso: A Blueprint for Ancient-Future
July 30, 2010

In Semet Ipso: A Blueprint for Ancient-Future

Passage: Colossians 2
Service Type:

Bible Text: Colossians 2 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching

We’ve been thinking lately about the question, “What makes our community of faith ‘Ancient-Future’?” A passage from Colossians 2 may help to serve as a kind of blueprint for what “Ancient-Future” really means– and it goes a long way toward answering that question. Take your Bible, turn to the focus passage, and discover “Ancient-Future” elements that can be found there.  Here are a few to ponder as you listen: The whole story of God (Creation, Incarnation, Re-creation); The theology of Christus Victor; Walking out your baptism; The community of the Holy Trinity.

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