Let’s Get to Know Susan McCrary
Missionary Susan McCrary was in town to meet the church family at Epiclesis. A lifelong friend of Pastor Chris, the two carved out some time during her short stay in Sacramento to sit down and have a conversation about her life and work.
Susan serves as the Europe Regional Member Care Coordinator with TeachBeyond and she and husband Larry live in Madrid, Spain, loving their urban lifestyle.
In 2001, following 11 years of church planting with the North American Mission Board, they partnered with the IMB (International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention) and moved to Madrid with their two children, then 6 and 9, to begin church planting among urban professionals.
After their affiliation with the IMB ended in 2019, Susan began to seek God’s will for where she could work that would allow them to remain in Madrid and continue their vibrant local ministry. She soon began work with TeachBeyond, responsible for ensuring that staff in Europe have the resources and care needed to thrive in their overseas ministry and service.
TeachBeyond is an organization that recruits and sends Christian educators, administrators, and workers to serve in many different schools and organizations across the globe.