My Story in Three Callings
June 30, 2024

My Story in Three Callings

Dr. Dianne Collard, along with husband Glenn, was on hand on this Sunday morning to give us an update on her life in ministry. Epiclesis has long been a supporter of Dianne Collard and her ministries through the arts, which include “Montage International” and “Meraki Connection.” Dianne is the Europe Director for “Artists in Christian Testimony, International,” the author of I Choose to Forgive, and is a veteran missionary and intercultural trainer.

Dianne herself is a montage of many experiences, abilities, and roles, including being the wife of Glenn, a mother of three, and grandmother of five. She’s been a missionary and intercultural trainer since 1986 and is a well-traveled speaker and writer and spiritual mentor to many artists. She holds degrees in speech and communication, intercultural studies, and missiology.

Join Dianne as she talks about her story– and three callings.