Ours the Cross, the Grave, the Skies
April 25, 2011

Ours the Cross, the Grave, the Skies

Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford

On this Resurrection Sunday, we took a look at John’s account of the empty tomb, and then over to the appointed Colossians passage to think about motion– movement– and about walking out our baptisms. What better day to remember and renew our baptismal vows! Did you know that it was on Easter Sunday that converts in the early church would be baptized and receive their first communion? Join us for this podcast teaching as we consider the movement from tomb to skies and hear some practical tips for walking out our baptisms.
To get you started, here’s a wonderful quote– some commentary on the Colossians passage– from the Church Father Aphrahat: Let us think upon the things that are above, on the heavenly things, and meditate on them, where Christ has been lifted up and exalted. But let us forsake the world which is not ours, that we may arrive at the place to which we have been invited. Let us raise up our eyes on high, that we may see the splendor which shall be revealed.

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