Renewing the Covenant
January 4, 2011

Renewing the Covenant

Service Type:

Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching

On this particular Sunday, the first one of a new calendar year, we took some time to focus on covenant renewal. It’s a custom that goes back many years (though not to the ancient church) still found in many communities of faith today, especially those in the Wesleyan tradition. In our teaching time, we looked at two Old Testament passages (in Exodus and also Nehemiah) featuring covenant renewal, and rich with imagery, and a sacred meal. We also mentioned two similar New Testament passages (in Luke and Acts).
We also participated in our own beautiful covenant renewal where we re-pledged our fealty to God and to His kingdom. Would you like to see that litany and perhaps renew your pledge to our Sovereign along with us? Check out the order of service, turn to page six and participate with us when the time comes in the podcast.

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