Where Fear First Shows Up
September 5, 2021

Where Fear First Shows Up

Passage: Gen 3:8-11; Is 35:4-7; John 14:15-27; Rev 22:1-3; 6-7; 12-13
Service Type:

Bible Text: Gen 3:8-11; Is 35:4-7; John 14:15-27; Rev 22:1-3; 6-7; 12-13 | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching | We continued a biblical look at fear with a short survey of a rightly-ordered fear of God– then contrasted it with the upside-down bad kind of fear. Where does fear first show up in the Bible? And just what was on the minds of the prophet Isaiah, and then Jesus, when they were looking into the future at the new heavens and new earth. It’s encouraging! Join us.