Bible Text: Mark 1:4-11 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching On this first Sunday of the Epiphany we took at look at three surprising things about the…
Bible Text: Mark 1:4-11 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching On this first Sunday of the Epiphany we took at look at three surprising things about the…
Bible Text: Matthew 21:1-11 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching On Palm Sunday, we brought our Lenten pathway series to a close with a look at Jesus' triumphal,…
Bible Text: Matthew 3:13-17 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching On this first Sunday of Epiphany, we looked at the baptism of Jesus, and most especially His…
Bible Text: Matthew 11:2-11 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching On this second Sunday of Advent, we lit the candle of love and Pastor Chris took a…
Preacher: Carla Waterman | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA Dr. Carla Waterman was the guest for this edition of "Ancient-Future Faith" and she came by the studio to talk with…
Preacher: Ellen Koehler | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA Well, we get questions now and then at Epiclesis: "What's an Epiclesis?" "Are you a church?" "What's worship like there?" So…
Bible Text: Colossians 3:1-11 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Pastor Chris was back in Colossians and talking about the heresies that were creeping into the church…
Bible Text: Colossians 2:6-19 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Pastor Chris continues a look at Paul's letter to the Colossian church with an examination of a…
Bible Text: Ephesians 4:1-16; 1 Corinthians 10:14-17 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Point number four of "The Call to an Ancient-Evangelical Future," was the topic of…