Once again, Jesus shows us something important: We can’t speak with authority, transform lives, bring healing, or find victory over sin in our own lives if we don’t build a…
Jesus was barely into His ministry at Capernaum when an unlikely individual revealed who He really was. Jesus came into the world as the new and ultimate Moses, as well…
In part two of a sermon series, Pastor Chris focused what he called the "weighty" and "consequential" parts of our calling. Along the way, we looked at key passages that…

God Calling

January 14, 2024
In the first of a two-part Epiphany sermon, Pastor Chris took up the topic of knowing God's will and hearing God's call. He examined God's call both in Samuel's encounter…


February 12, 2023
Bible Text: Deut 30:15-20; Matt 5:21-37; John 14:15-26 | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching | Jesus says that He’s not come to do away with the Scriptures--…
Bible Text: Matt 4:12-23; Jer 16:14-16; Matt 19:28 | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching | Throughout salvation history, God’s holy house— literally and figuratively— had been divided…