Is anxiety a sin? Curtis Chang says we should see it as a possible pathway to spiritual growth... and a pathway to a better understanding of our future. How might…
Teacher: Dr. Chris Alford, Dr. Ellen Koehler, Dr. Rick Asche | Series: The Chapter House | The Epiclesis pastors got together for a roundtable discussion about the Beatitudes-- a section…
Bible Text: Deut 30:15-20; Matt 5:21-37; John 14:15-26 | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching | Jesus says that He’s not come to do away with the Scriptures--…
Bible Text: Matthew 5:3-12 | Teacher: Gerald Ward | Series: Sunday Teaching | On this particular Sunday, one of our members Gerald Ward brought his insights into The Beatitudes with…
Bible Text: Matthew 5:13-20; Romans 12 | Teacher: Dr. Ellen Koehler | Series: Sunday Teaching On this Sunday, Dr. Ellen Koehler, our Pastor for Worship and Liturgy, continued our series…
Bible Text: Matthew 5:1-12 | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Pastor Chris took a look at the giving of the law at Mount Sinai and compared it…
Bible Text: Luke 6:17-26 | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching We continue in our Epiphany series with a look at the Incarnation. Imagine walking for many miles…