The biblical story of Ruth is a multi-faceted one, filled with deep meaning at every turn. We may know her best as being in the lineage of Jesus. But at…
Teacher: Dr. Chris Alford, Dr. Ellen Koehler, Dr. Rick Asche | Series: The Chapter House | The Epiclesis pastors got together for a roundtable discussion about the Beatitudes-- a section…
Teacher: Dr. Ellen Koehler | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA | Dr. Ellen Koehler was back in the Ancient-Future Faith studio to talk about encouragement... and Lent! Is Lent even…
Teacher: Dr. Ellen Koehler | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA | What is soft totalitarianism? Dr. Ellen Koehler was in the studio to talk about an upcoming retreat, "Live Not…
Teacher: Dr. Ellen Koehler | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA | There seems to be a trend these days of former high-profile evangelicals abandoning the faith. Who are these ex-vangelicals,…
Teacher: Dr. Ellen Koehler | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA | We talked with Dr. Ellen Koehler about these tumultuous times and how a 5th century monk named Benedict can…
Teacher: Dr. Ellen Koehler, Dr. Steve Pinson | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA | In a first-ever three-way telephone conversation on Ancient-Future Faith, Chris talks with Dr. Steve Pinson and…
Teacher: Dr. Ellen Koehler | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA | Dr. Ellen Koehler was on hand to talk about Eastertide Spirituality. What in the world IS Eastertide, and how…
Bible Text: Matthew 5:13-20; Romans 12 | Teacher: Dr. Ellen Koehler | Series: Sunday Teaching On this Sunday, Dr. Ellen Koehler, our Pastor for Worship and Liturgy, continued our series…
Teacher: Dr. Ellen Koehler | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA Dr. Ellen Koehler, our Pastor for Worship and Liturgy, was the guest on this upside-down episode of Ancient-Future Faith. Why…