What difference does being a Kingdom-minded follower of Jesus make in our daily lives? Join us as we explore Psalm 146 and compare the resumes of "powerful people" to our King.
If you knew a storm was coming, what kind of a house would you build? Join us as we learn how to “un-frenemy” our relationship with God, and explore the…
What should your goal be as a peacemaker? What is the #1 thing standing in your way of that goal? Join us as we explore the first half of James…
How do you respond to discomfort, discouragement, and disinformation in your life? Where do you turn to for comfort, encouragement, and guidance? On this Pentecost Sunday, we explored the roles…
On this Sunday, Pastor Rick explored Mark 1 and what it means to experience an "epiphany" through the lens of Jesus' baptism. He drew numerous connections between John the Baptist's…
Did you know that your emotional and relational health are directly linked to your gratitude? On this Sunday we looked at 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, and discover the "gratitude loop" and…
What were the 3 defining actions of the religious leaders Jesus warned his disciples about? Join us as we explore Matthew 23 and reflect on Jesus' warning for our own…
What spiritual actions can dramatically change the landscape of a relationship? Join us as we discover Paul's outward, upward, and inward actions and the foundation they are built on.
What if your struggle is actually part of God’s plan to bless you? This Sunday, Dr. Rick Asche looked at Jacob’s first encounter with God. God shows up, not as…
Is your relationship with Jesus a contract or covenant? On this Sunday, we explore how God’s promise to Abraham impacts our lives in three very specific ways. Find out what…