We're in the middle of a little series on Paul's second letter to the church in Corinth. There are plenty of places in this very personal letter where Paul is…
Pastor Chris began a series looking at the second of Paul's letters to the church at Corinth. Along the way, he shared some treasured excerpts from letters he had received…
The familiar story of Jesus’ nighttime conversation with the Pharisaic leader, Nicodemus, centers on the “birth from above,” a birth that allows us both to see and enter the Kingdom…
How do you respond to discomfort, discouragement, and disinformation in your life? Where do you turn to for comfort, encouragement, and guidance? On this Pentecost Sunday, we explored the roles…
Cyprian of Carthage once wrote, "No one can have God for his Father who does not have the Church for his mother." Ever think of the church as being our…
A popular worship song contains the line, "the Father turns His face away." Did God turn away from or abandon Jesus on the cross? The scope of what happened on…
Sheep and shepherds make frequent appearances in Scripture. Jesus called Himself a "Good Shepherd." So, who were the "bad shepherds"? Join Pastor Chris for a fresh look at Psalm 23…
What are we Christians supposed to do in a world full of cynicism that seems to be falling apart? And what about the unfair successes of the ungodly all around…
Christ's work on the cross-- His death, burial, and resurrection-- means that God has dealt with death once and for all. Yet Christ's work also means a reversal of what…
On this Palm Sunday, Pastor Chris took a look at the prophetic things the crowd shouted when Jesus came riding into the Holy City at His Triumphal Entry. Question: How…