Cloud of Witnesses
August 16, 2010

Cloud of Witnesses

Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford

On this Sunday, our minds went to Polycarp, the martyred Bishop of Smyrna, as we read parts of Hebrews 11 and 12. But thanks be to God, the jeering crowd of wickedness calling for the death of Polycarp was nothing compared to the great cloud of witnesses we learn about in Hebrews. You and I might not have to run the same course that some martyrs will. But we are surrounded by a throng of saints urging us on– cheering for us– helping us stay focused on the author and perfecter of our faith, Jesus Christ.
Don’t feel much like an Abraham or Sarah or Gideon or Samson or Polycarp? Just keep on running your race– stay in your lane– and keep your eyes on the Person at the finish line.

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