The Potter’s Hands
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching
We’ve been thinking a lot these days about clay… and potter’s wheels. God had His prophet Jeremiah take a trip to the potter’s house to learn through a vivid demonstration what the Master Potter had in mind for His people.
And so our discussion on this particular Sunday turned right away to clay. Here are some things to think about:
Clay can’t be “worked” until it is j-u-s-t the right amount of wet. Are you dry and in need of some Living Water?
A lump of clay has to be centered on the potter’s wheel or it can’t be formed properly. Are you?
In some ways, the most delicate time– the place where things can fall really apart– is toward the end as the potter pulls up the sides of the vessel higher and higher. Spiritual height costs. Are you willing to be shaped?
The potter can always change his mind, crush the original vessel, and remake his creation. Are you open to being renewed and re-purposed?
The finished product always bears the maker’s markings. Can the fingerprints of the Master Potter be found on you?
One program note: An error in recording on this particular Sunday dropped the first few moments of the teaching time. This short podcast joins the discussion in progress.