You Are What You Love
September 13, 2016

You Are What You Love

Service Type:

Preacher: Robert Brown | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA

Rev. Robert Brown was the guest on the Ancient-Future Faith radio program to talk about the third in a remarkable series of books on worship, discipleship, and Christian education by James K. A. Smith. Could it be that what we do in worship– or what we don’t do in worship– forms our discipleship? Is it true that we are what we love? Join Pastor Chris and Robert Brown for a look at the way liturgies– secular and sacred– shape who we are.

You Are What You Love
September 13, 2016

You Are What You Love

Service Type:

Preacher: Robert Brown | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA

Rev. Robert Brown was the guest on the Ancient-Future Faith radio program to talk about the third in a remarkable series of books on worship, discipleship, and Christian education by James K. A. Smith. Could it be that what we do in worship– or what we don’t do in worship– forms our discipleship? Is it true that we are what we love? Join Pastor Chris and Robert Brown for a look at the way liturgies– secular and sacred– shape who we are.