Does it really matter how we worship? Does it make any difference what happens in our chapel each Sunday? The early church believed it made a tremendous difference. Join guest…
God can use odd times and even pagan places of danger and difficulty to protect, provide for, and renew His people? Just ask Joseph. Actually, there are two Josephs you…
Bible Text: John 3:1-17, Genesis 12:1-4 | Teacher: Dr. Rick Asche | Series: Sunday Teaching | What are you holding on to? On this Sunday we explore the worldly challenges…
Bible Text: Luke 17:5-10 | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching | Do you want more faith? Maybe that's not what you really, truly need. In this sermon…
Teacher: Susan Spann | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA | Award-winning author Susan Spann was the guest on this edition of Ancient-Future Faith to talk not about her popular "Shinobi…
Teacher: Dr. Stephen Pinson | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA Dr. Stephen Pinson was on hand in this episode of Ancient-Future Faith to talk medicine and faith and how they…
Bible Text: Matthew 14:22-33 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching The usual take on Peter's latenight water-walk is that he was faithful and bold. After all, if…
Bible Text: Matthew 14:22-33 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching The usual take on Peter's latenight water-walk is that he was faithful and bold. After all, if…