Even after the evil that some of Israel's and Judah's kings committed, and especially when that nation of would-be priests broke covenant with Him, God was still in the business of bringing the world back to Himself. So He chose His Son Jesus through whom the whole of the world could enter a covenant with Him-- and at the same time join Him in uprighting an upside-down creation. Jesus Himself would be the new, Ultimate King and also the Ultimate Priest.
In this teaching a week before Christ the King Sunday, Pastor Chris compared and contrasted one of Judah's most wicked rulers with our superior King.
Even after the evil that some of Israel's and Judah's kings committed, and especially when that nation of would-be priests broke covenant with Him, God was still in the business of bringing the world back to Himself. So He chose His Son Jesus through whom the whole of the world could enter a covenant with Him-- and at the same time join Him in uprighting an upside-down creation. Jesus Himself would be the new, Ultimate King and also the Ultimate Priest.
In this teaching a week before Christ the King Sunday, Pastor Chris compared and contrasted one of Judah's most wicked rulers with our superior King.
On this Palm Sunday, Pastor Chris took a look at the prophetic things the crowd shouted when Jesus came riding into the Holy City at His Triumphal Entry. Question: How…
Jesus was barely into His ministry at Capernaum when an unlikely individual revealed who He really was. Jesus came into the world as the new and ultimate Moses, as well…
Bible Text: John 1:29-34; Exodus 12; | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching | John had baptized Jesus the day before there at the Jordan River. But the…
Bible Text: John 1:29-34; Exodus 12; | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching | John had baptized Jesus the day before there at the Jordan River. But the…
Bible Text: Psalm 146 | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching | Pastor Chris takes a look at Psalm 146 and shows some of the wonderful ways it…
Bible Text: John 10:11-18 | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Jesus talks about what Good Shepherds do, but what can we learn about how sheep should behave…
Bible Text: 1 Samuel 3 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Can you imagine being a small boy and hearing from the Lord in the middle of…
Bible Text: 1 Samuel 3 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Can you imagine being a small boy and hearing from the Lord in the middle of…