Bible Text: Deuteronomy 26:1-11 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching We began a Lenten series focusingĀ at perseverance with a brief look at the dictionary definition of the…


February 7, 2016
Bible Text: Luke 9:28-36 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Something remarkable happens on the mountain of transfiguration-- and Scripture records that Jesus, Moses, and Elijah speak…

Full of What?

January 31, 2016
Bible Text: Luke 4:21-30 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching There are some interesting contrasts in the passage in Luke's Gospel where we see the Spirit of…

Facing the Sun

January 24, 2016
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Jesus gets into some trouble in His hometown synagogue. Well, not at first. At first, things seemed to be going quite well:…
Bible Text: John 2:1-11 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Some passages in Isaiah (and also the creation account in Genesis) shed some glorious light on the…

You, You, You!

January 10, 2016
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Jesus' baptism, at least the record of it found in Luke's Gospel, is rather, well, anticlimactic. Kind of mundane. The account itself…