From Mountain Top to Desolate Place
Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching
It’s amazing how fast Elijah went from Mount Carmel to Mount Horeb– from the highest high, to the lowest low. On Mount Carmel, he saw the priests of Baal work themselves up into a frenzy for nothing. Their god didn’t answer. On that same mountain, he simply prayed for the Lord to show up. God answered in fire.
Then Jezebel got mad. And Elijah headed off in a hurry to Mount Horeb.
On Mount Horeb, he saw the Lord reveal Himself again, and in a mighty way, but not quite the same way as on that other mountain. God showed up in “sheer silence”. Click the triangle button on the podcast player above to listen to this teaching that goes from mountain top to desolate place. For the Scriptures that accompany this lesson, please click here.