God can use odd times and even pagan places of danger and difficulty to protect, provide for, and renew His people? Just ask Joseph. Actually, there are two Josephs you…
Bible Text: Deut 30:15-20; Matt 5:21-37; John 14:15-26 | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching | Jesus says that He’s not come to do away with the Scriptures--…
Bible Text: 1 John 2:15-17; Genesis 3; Luke 4:1-13 | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching | We often think about the many ways that God calls us.…
Bible Text: Matthew 21:1-11 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching On Palm Sunday, we brought our Lenten pathway series to a close with a look at Jesus' triumphal,…
Bible Text: James 3:13-4:8 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Pastor Chris rounded up a mini series of teachings on James with a look at a passage…