Bible Text: Philippians 3:4b-14 | Preacher: Marlene Shirley | Series: Sunday Teaching Special guest Marlene Shirley wrapped up our "Profiles in Perseverance" series with an almost unbelievable story of hardship,…
Bible Text: Psalm 32 | Preacher: Michele Zumwalt | Series: Sunday Teaching Friend and author Michele Zumwalt was the guest teacher for this third in our series titled "Profiles in…

Dare You to Move

February 28, 2016
Preacher: Heather Bowes | Series: Sunday Teaching Heather Bowes, another of our own from Epiclesis, was the guest speaker for this second week of Lent, and the second in our…
Preacher: Sheila Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching Sheila Alford was the guest for this first of four "Profiles in Perseverance." She shared how through many trials, and especially two debilitating illnesses, she…
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 26:1-11 | Preacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching We began a Lenten series focusing at perseverance with a brief look at the dictionary definition of the…