Even after the evil that some of Israel's and Judah's kings committed, and especially when that nation of would-be priests broke covenant with Him, God was still in the business of bringing the world back to Himself. So He chose His Son Jesus through whom the whole of the world could enter a covenant with Him-- and at the same time join Him in uprighting an upside-down creation. Jesus Himself would be the new, Ultimate King and also the Ultimate Priest.
In this teaching a week before Christ the King Sunday, Pastor Chris compared and contrasted one of Judah's most wicked rulers with our superior King.
Even after the evil that some of Israel's and Judah's kings committed, and especially when that nation of would-be priests broke covenant with Him, God was still in the business of bringing the world back to Himself. So He chose His Son Jesus through whom the whole of the world could enter a covenant with Him-- and at the same time join Him in uprighting an upside-down creation. Jesus Himself would be the new, Ultimate King and also the Ultimate Priest.
In this teaching a week before Christ the King Sunday, Pastor Chris compared and contrasted one of Judah's most wicked rulers with our superior King.
Sheep and shepherds make frequent appearances in Scripture. Jesus called Himself a "Good Shepherd." So, who were the "bad shepherds"? Join Pastor Chris for a fresh look at Psalm 23…
In the first of a two-part Epiphany sermon, Pastor Chris took up the topic of knowing God's will and hearing God's call. He examined God's call both in Samuel's encounter…
What does it mean that belong to the king? And what kind of a king do we serve, anyway? Christ the King Sunday is the summation of the whole Christian…
Teacher: Dr. Teresa Gardner | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA | The Founder and Director of the Zion Center for Worship and the Arts, Dr. Teresa Gardner, was live in…
Bible Text: John 15:1-8 | Teacher: Pastor Chris Alford | Series: Sunday Teaching | How do we abide in Christ? Jesus talks about him being the vine as we are…
Teacher: Ben Westlund | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA Ben Westlund, from Eilat, Israel, was the special guest on this episode of Ancient-Future Faith to talk about his work in…
Teacher: Dr. Rick Asche | Series: Ancient-Future Faith on KFIA Dr. Rick Asche came by the Ancient-Future Faith Radio studios to talk about the Tabernacle and the upcoming retreat. We're…
Bible Text: Deuteronomy 6 | Teacher: Dr. Rick Asche | Series: Sunday Teaching Dr. Rick Asche shares insights about his recent trip the Holy Land and provides a surprising and…