Getting Started

Welcome to Audiopod! You’re ready to start podcasting! Whether this is your very first podcasting experience or you’re a pro, coming from another podcasting service, this short getting started guide will help direct you to all the important information and help pages! What is a podcast The easiest way to think of a podcast is … Read more

Podcast Settings

The podcast settings page is where you can configure settings for each of your podcasts. Most of these settings will effect how your podcast will appear in various directories such is Apple Podcasts, Spotify and so on. If you have multiple podcasts, you will need to configure these settings uniquely for each podcast. Start by … Read more

Create An Episode

A podcast is made up of multiple episodes. Depending on your context you may think of an episode as a show, a sermon, a lecture and so on. The important thing to remember is that an episode is one part of a podcast. Overtime, you may have hundreds or thousands of episodes. Many churches publish … Read more

Uploading An Audio File

Every podcast episode requires an audio file to be attached or associated with it. Audiopod gives you both an episodes manager and a file manager. Having both allows you to manage episodes and files separately and provides flexibility for your workflow. An example may be where someone on your team is responsible for uploading finished … Read more

Publish a podcast to Spotify

Spotify makes it super easy to get your Audiopod podcast listed and available for listeners to find you in Spotify! Before we get started, make sure you have setup your Podcast, filled in all the details and have published your first episode. If you’re not sure how to do that, just send us an email … Read more